Anchor The Light: Awaken to your fullest potential and remember the truth of your divine nature

Anchor The Light: Awaken to your fullest potential and remember the truth of your divine nature


This elixir is made with Lotus Leaf, Red Rose Petals, Calendula, Tulsi, non-gmo vegetable glycerin, filtered water 

-all organic ingredients, 2 ounces

This tincture is alcohol free. 

Plant Spirit Healing:

Promotes Inner Radiance, Return to Sacred center, Nervous System tonic, Heart opening, Balancing to chakras, Ancestral Healing, Calming, Release control 

Herbal Actions:

Anti-viral, adaptogen (anxiety and stress reducer), anti-inflammatory, Promotes Respiratory Health

This elixir is for you, the Visionaries, the Wayshowers, the Artists and the Edgewalkers.

Never stop believing in your dreams. Keep on creating. Your ability to hold space and shine light into the darkest of nights is your superpower. Your boldness, creativity and bravery is why you are here. Never underestimate the capacity and power you possess to guide humanity to a new age on Earth. 

This is for the Starseeds, awakening and remembering the higher frequencies and codes of crystalline light woven deep within your womb and cells. You collectively agreed to reunite with your family of light on the earth at this time to spark mass awakenings, clarity, truth and light. You are the keepers of the frequency of oneness. By holding true to your unique vibration and heart song you invite all those that come into your vibration the opportunity to bring themselves HOME.

May we all grow from the mud and blossom into the lotus, hand in hand and hearts as one. May we rise together commanding the fire of our hearts to liberate our sovereign selves, banishing and clearing away any self doubt and fear. Step boldly into your sacred center, igniting your inner cauldron of beauty and proudly share your gifts. Let your limiting beliefs die. Trust that all you need is here and now. Remember we create our world with our words. You are a powerful creator being so speak life into your soul.  

We are forever reflecting the golden ray of our initiated hearts. 

Eternally blooming, eternally growing- ever expanding ourselves over and over again to Anchor the light.  

Courtney Hein, April 2020


More personal channelings about this elixir: 

Calendula, Rose, Tulsi and Lotus help me to step into the gateway of my heart and rest in the sacred center. It is here where I experience the power of unity consciousness and the influence it offers to my own Ascension process and the world. It is my deepest intention while working with these plants that I practice more compassion, understanding, healing, and of course, love. When working with this tincture I become very aware of my language. Every word I speak is a spell so why not always speak with the essence of love attached to it (this is still very much a practice for me). I have no time for gossip, fear or negativity. The more I allow my light to radiate, the more I will become an inspiration to those around me and they will want to join on the path of love.  

I love making a habit of setting intentions before working with plant spirits. Whether that herb is in the form of a tea, infusion, tincture or body oil. This doesn’t need to be a big thing. Just a simple moment where you quiet your mind, take a breath and state your intention. Sometimes it will be as simple as “thank you for my healing”. Feel free to incorporate any of my words above to help you get started.   

This product is not eligible for return.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your intuition or a qualified health care provider before using herbal products to ensure they are right for your unique body needs, particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or on medication. 

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