Ancient Healer: Lose yourself in order to find your deepest truth

Ancient Healer: Lose yourself in order to find your deepest truth


This elixir connects Ethically Wild-crafted Yerba Santa, Mugwort and Black Sage, in non-gmo cane-derived alcohol and filtered water.

2 ounces 

please note: this tincture is not advised during pregnancy or breastfeeding. 

Plant Spirit Medicine: Grief work, inner healing, dream magic, shamanic journeying, protection during astral travel, Psychic Powers, Consciousness shifting.  

Medicinal Properties: Warming, Respiratory Support (cough/cold), stimulates digestion, anti-microbial, Emmenagogue (sheds uterine lining, brings on menses), Expectorant (helpful for dampness and mucous)

Ritual Work: Waft the smoke from dried mugwort kindling or a single dried black sage leaf over yourself before getting into a comfortable position and clearing your mind (if outside, please be extra sensitive to fire safety and skip this step) With focused intention to commune with the plant spirits, squeeze 1-2 dropper bulbs of tincture in a small amount of water and drink. You may decide to use chanting, rattling, drumming music, or any other techniques to help your mind access the astral realms. Trust that the sacred smoke will keep you safe and protected as you travel, and see where it carries you. Whether you need purification, healing or protection, spend 20-30 minutes in this meditative ritual and allow these Ancient Healers to retrieve your deep natural wisdom. Thank the spirits for journeying with you when you feel complete. 


The first time I traveled in between worlds to meet these three plant spirits it was in the form of tea. My husband and I were visiting a sacred valley during a potent time of flowering life and fertility. The moon was New in Aries, the sky was cloudy with grey colors and the smell of rain was nearby. We found ourselves wandering on an abundant trail full of medicine. Native flora and fauna flooded my senses. I felt so received. While in deep listening, I was offered the most gentle, yet powerful and potent message to work with these plant teachers who all happened to reside within feet of each other. With clear communication, I blessed each leaf I pinched reciprocating magic and love in every breath I took. We returned to our magical camping plot and with my full presence, I prepared our tea and settled in. 

It did not take long after my first sips of tea to begin seeing layers unwind; mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Chambers of ancient memory began to stir visions of past, present and future. Their medicine was insistent on pulling out the cobwebs to reveal the truth of who I was on the deepest level. It’s important to note that plant spirits aren’t always going to show you want you want rather what you need. Sometimes that is realizing what no longer serves us in thoughts or beliefs, relationships and life plans. This can be triggering. Deep-seated wounds from this life or past may be exposed and you could experience sensations that leave you feeling emotionally raw. It can be so subtle but pay attention to these clues. Allow the grief to rise and release because this grief wants to be rewritten. Letting go is both a collapse AND an expansion. It can be terrifying to face the dark unknown versus the safety and comfort of all that we have come to trust but this is where new openings, new opportunities and great growth arises. I really trust in the medicine of these plant spirits to hold the space for transformational energy to collapse old belief systems and stories so that I may be in alignment with my souls highest calling. 


 I welcome the unfolding and release of energetic distortions from my mind, body and sprit.

 I expand my awareness to dissolve old patterns that are no longer serving my highest timeline. 

My sense of trust is strengthened in the infinite wisdom and creative mastery of the Great Mystery. 

I am open to living with an open heart supported by my own wise self, solid boundaries and guidance from my ancestors. 

“I don’t believe in Miracles, I rely on Miracles” 

 Journeying with Plant Spirit Medicine will vary from person to person. I share my own personal experience as a guide to show you what’s possible when we open ourselves up to exploring the path of healing with Earth medicine. I believe with accumulative, heart-centered and intentional use, plant spirits will unfold insight for each person, meeting them where they are, with what they need, at the right time whether new to the path of spiritual awakening or far long on their journey. 

Read more about my practice of ethical wild-crafting. 

This product is not eligible for return.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your intuition or a qualified health care provider before using herbal products to ensure they are right for your unique body needs, particularly if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or on medication. 

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